Jessica May Hislop

Run 100K in September 2024

My Activity Tracking


My target 100 kms

Day 17

I rested today. I'm hoping to do a nice 6km (or more...) tomorrow so I thought a day's rest will help a lot. I also to be honest just didn't have time.

Day 16

I went for a very late night run today which was a bit scary as it was very dark and I couldn't always see the pavement so was worried to trip over! But I managed 3.3km which still leaves me a tiny bit shy of halfway..! But we're getting there. It wasn't actually as painful as it has been lately which is good. I think potentially it is actually getting better despite not really resting, my muscles are slowly getting used to it!

Day 15

I walked a lot today (over 10km) and was so so tired after yesterday’s long run so this evening’s run was a struggle but managed a solid 4km!! I’m halfway through the month and 4km shy of halfway through the 100km so I’m behind but not too bad…

Day 14

My longest run!! I managed 6.5km today. It was hard because I went mid morning and it was actually very hot in the sun which I absolutely did not enjoy. I did discover that Hairspray is a great album to run to though so that really helped!! Tomorrow is halfway through the month and I’m behind which is making me a bit nervous. But my legs are just constantly so so sore I don’t know what more I can do. I’ll just have to keep going…

Day 13

I rested today. Yesterday’s run was so bad that I just realised I needed to maybe take a day off and attempt a longer run tomorrow.

Day 12

I really wanted to do a long run today but the pain was way too much. I ran 2km but I sort of regret running at all and maybe should have just rested. Had a very nice long bath afterwards with magnesium salts to soothe my muscles and hoping I’ll manage further tomorrow.

Day 11

Did 3.6km this evening. My legs were quite sore from the longer run yesterday but it still felt ok. I would like to be doing 5k consistently but my legs just won’t let me. Again it’s in the pain in my calves and also around my ankles. It’s agony to be honest.

Day 10

Went for an evening run today after work which I really enjoyed and managed to do 5k. My legs are definitely still sore even after two rest days but I was also spending a bit of my run trying to find my partner and his brother walking back from the station which was a great distraction! Legs are very sore after the run but feeling good and positive overall!

Day 9

Another rest day. I might regret this one but my legs are so sore I just felt an extra rest day might help to actually get me through the next few days of running. 

Day 8

Rest day today. Legs are so so sore. Walked around London a bit but otherwise tried to rest as much as possible.

Day 7

My birthday morning run!! I ran a 5k today bringing me to 25km so far this month. I’m really proud of myself! I have severe pains in my calves now though to the point I couldn’t walk… so I’m very very much looking forward to my rest day tomorrow!!

Day 6

I went on a new route today which made it more interesting for sure but I was quite horrified to encounter a huge hill. I also got knocked over by a woman driving out of her driveway which was fun but thankfully wasn’t injured at all! It was a good run but that hill really wasn’t good for my calves.

Day 5

Early morning run today. Started with my glutes being quite sore before my calves started their usual complaining. Managed 3.7km though. I’m a bit behind schedule which is concerning but equally I’ve run 15km so far in the past 5 days which is more than I ran in the whole of August so I should give myself some credit. Will take it one day at a time and hope that my muscle pain starts improving so I can run a bit further to make up for being behind.

Day 4

I rested today. I figured that if I was actually going to manage this challenge I need to rest my muscles.

Day 3

Went for an evening run today which I definitely enjoyed more and was listening to a podcast on a 5000 year old iceman and what he ate which was interesting and kept me going! But my calves are just so so sore. My body feels fine but my calves are dead. I think I need a rest day tomorrow… I wasn’t planning on it but my calves are just too sore. I only managed 2.8km today but it’s 2.8km closer so I’ll still take it as a win!

Day 2

Starting to think I’ve made a mistake. I hated every moment of today’s run. I went from work intending to do a 5km route but ended up cutting it a bit short because I was just not enjoying it at all and my legs are already so sore. On top of my run yesterday I walked an extra 10km which I’m really regretting today! I’m a bit concerned I can’t actually do this challenge…

Day 1

First run done!
I was absolutely not in the mood to run today! I think the closer this event has got, the more daunting 100km feels! And I haven’t run in about two weeks so was nervous about my fitness and my muscles. All of the considered, I’m pretty happy I ran 4.61km! Rewarding myself with an iced oat latte!

Getting ready to go!

First Blog Post! Thank you so much to everyone who has donated so far. I’m overwhelmed by the amount raised so far and it’s going to a really amazing cause so thank you thank you so so much.

Starting to feel a bit nervous about this challenge but also excited! I haven’t run in about 2 weeks so will have to start slow I think but I’ll post everyday how many km I’ve done and how it’s going!

I’m running 100K in September for GOSH Charity! 

I’m challenging myself to run 100 kilometres this September to raise money for Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity (GOSH Charity).

Every day brings new challenges at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH). Every day, around 750 seriously ill children and young people are seen at GOSH from all over the UK for life-changing treatment and care. Every day, doctors and nurses battle the most complex illnesses, and the brightest minds come together to achieve pioneering medical breakthroughs.

And with every kilometre I run, I’ll be helping GOSH Charity give seriously ill children the chance of a better future.

This extraordinary hospital has always depended on charitable support, so please help me to achieve my goal by giving whatever you can; no amount is too small to make a difference.  

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Amanda And Eric Hislop

Go for it Jess! And fabulous to be supporting a charity so close to my heart. We know you'll do it! xxxxx


Tania & Andreas

Καλή επιτυχία!!



You’ll smash this! X x


Carolyn Barber

Good luck!





Let’s go Jess!! 🏃‍♀️💨


Liz And Tim Smith

Good luck, Jess. It's for a great cause. You can do it! x



Run forest run xxx



Good Luck Jess - from Grandma x


Jacqui & Paul

Have fun and good luck xx


Tom Yates

Good luck!


Charlie Mills

Good luck Jessie!


Giulia Zavagno


Dimitrios Irodotou

I believe in you!!


Sue Goble

Good luck, Jess! x


Peter Instone

Keep on running Jess 🏃‍♀️ You’ve got this 🙌



You’re doing amazing, keep going!!! xxx


Ian Jackson


Helen Maguire

A great cause. Good luck!



Good luck Jess x


Julie Barrowcliffe

Good luck


Laura Mintram


Katie Jarman

Well done Jess! You’re doing great xxxx


Molly Went