Anna Crilly

Run 100K in September 2024

My Activity Tracking


My target 100 kms

I’m running 100K in September for GOSH Charity! 

I’m challenging myself to run 100 kilometres this September to raise money for Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity (GOSH Charity).

6th September 2024 marks two years since our brave boy Finlay underwent major open chest surgery at GOSH to correct a dangerous, and rare, narrowing in his airway called tracheal stenosis. Without this surgery, we were warned that catching a simple cold or virus would be life threatening, and without intervention from GOSH we would have had to remain in hospital indefinitely. 

Before his operation his airway was so narrow that every breath he took felt like the equivalent of sprinting several times around the block and then having to breathe through a straw.  Two years on, however, he’s a busy energetic toddler thanks to Great Ormond Street.

Finlay is just one example of the extraordinary work of GOSH. Every day brings new challenges at Great Ormond Street. Every day, around 750 seriously ill children and young people are seen at GOSH from all over the UK for life-changing treatment and care. Every day, doctors and nurses battle the most complex illnesses, and the brightest minds come together to achieve pioneering medical breakthroughs.

And with every kilometre I run, I’ll be helping GOSH Charity give seriously ill children the chance of a better future.

I’ve run a fair bit in the past - from 5Ks to half marathons and all in between - but not much, and not with any consistency, since Finlay came along. This will therefore be a pretty big challenge for me! 

This extraordinary hospital has always depended on charitable support, so please help me to achieve my goal by giving whatever you can; no amount is too small to make a difference.  

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Carss Family

Go chick! 🏃🏼‍♀️ You will absolutely smash it - making Finlay proud 👏🏻


Mairi Wilcock

Go for it sis, so proud of you all! Lots of love ❤️


Blair Carlton

Finlay and I are so proud of you for taking on this challenge. “You got this”!


William Crilly

Good luck! Proud of you!


Morag Edwards

Good luck… hope the weather is kind.


The Devlins

Well done Anna!!! You are amazing, what a wonderful cause. Lots of love, the devlins xxx


Sophie, Zeke And Bertie Xx

We are cheering you on every km of the way, Anna!


Ann Carlton

Good luck in the run - we're both rooting for you!


Gray Family

What a hero, you can do it! Brilliant challenge for a brilliant cause. Love you lots


Alexander Tweedie

Good luck on your challenge for a great cause



Well done lovely!! So proud of you and everything you’ve had to manage since having Finlay, he’s such a lucky boy. Xx


Mandy Smith

Good Luck Anna! Go you xx