Bobby Gotelee

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We're taking part in RBC Race for the Kids as a family - please help us raise as much as we can

Bobby Gotelee

And So, It Is Done!

And so, the day is done! The race is won! And I had an amazing time! A nice, smooth first half and then a power-grinding second half! I spent the day with some amazing people, and got to exercise competitively, all in the name for Great Ormond Street Hospital! Definitely an experience I'll never forget and one I'd definitely like to do again, if given the chance!

Huge thank you to my manager who gave me the kickstart, necessary, to come along and do the event! I don't think, without her, I'd get a glimpse of an amazing, competitive racing day in London!

I believe the page will be open for a few more days if you wish to make a post-cause donation. Otherwise, thank you everyone!
And, hopefully, here's to the next one!

-Bobby Gotelee-

The Preparation Before The Big Event

Good evening, everyone!
We are just one day away before the event kicks off, early tomorrow morning.

I had received my starter kit last week, which has allowed me to prepare for the big day.

Also, a huge thank you to everyone who has donated! And, so you know, there is still time to donate if you haven't yet!

Bring on tomorrow!

RBC Race For The Kids - Prologue Blog Post

Hello all. Good to meet you! My name is Bobby Gotelee. I have been fundraising for Great Ormond Street Hospital for over 9 years, through my workplace of Premier Inn. Through that times pan, I've done a multitude of fundraising events, such as walking events/marathons, gaming events and other miscellaneous ones. 

As a voluminous fan of walking, I often go quite a way at a fairly quick pace and with a high endurance. Sometimes I can go as far as 25km in a single walk. 

And so, with RBC Race For The Kids, I figured why not put this to the test?

I'd be much obliged if you could have a look around my webpage and, if you have some pennies, to donate and support the cause!
This will not be an easy feat as it will be a competition so every donation would be greatly appreciated, no matter how big or small!

Otherwise, thanks for reading. And I hope to see you at the event!

I’m joining the race to help beat childhood cancer by taking part in RBC Race for the Kids

I’m taking part in GOSH Charity’s fun run, RBC Race for the Kids, to raise funds to help build the new Children’s Cancer Centre at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) as part of Team Premier Inn and Restaurants. 

GOSH already cares for children with the hardest to treat cancers. Pioneering research is underway to find the most effective treatments and cures, which give hope to children and their families. 

But the rapidly changing pace of cancer medicine has outstripped GOSH’s existing cancer facilities., and the hospital needs a new home to help deliver breakthrough therapies. Somewhere that will treat the child, not just their disease. 

With the help of Premier Inn and Restaurants, that home will be the new Children’s Cancer Centre at GOSH.

The funds raised from RBC Race for the Kids will help build a world-class facility with children at its heart. 

A place where children have access to play and education alongside pioneering treatments. Where families can stay together through some of the hardest moments. Where access to outdoor space is a priority, and a focus on nutrition helps fuel recovery. 

Please sponsor me to take on a 5k for GOSH Charity. Together we can build it. Together we can help beat childhood cancer.

My Achievements

Self donation

Received first donation

£25 raised

£50 raised

£100 raised

£200 raised

50% of fundraising target

100% of fundraising target

Shared your page

Posted an update

Thank you to my Sponsors


Timothy Elstun

Your doing great work Bobby keep it up!


Anne Gotelee

Good Luck Bobby and enjoy yourself. Love Mum , Granny and friends



Great charity to support, have a great walk !



Well done Lord Bobby. Your a GOSH Legend! Keep up the great work.


Bobby Gotelee


Rachel Davis

Well done