Charlotte Sparks

Run 100K in September 2024

My Activity Tracking


My target 100 kms

Halfway through, still a way to go!

We're halfway through the challenge now, and i've still got a way to go! 
My calfs are aching on a daily basis and it's becoming a struggle! In order to achieve the target of 100km in 30 days, I need to run at least 4km a day for the rest of the month! 
Wish me luck!! and thank you to all those so far who have supported me and sponsored! It means a lot! xxx

First Run! 3.53km!!

Made a start today. Been a long time since I’ve run for a purpose, so it was tough! But the only way is up and I know each day I’ll get stronger! 🙌🏼🙌🏼

I’m running 100K in September for GOSH Charity! 

I’m challenging myself to run 100 kilometres this September to raise money for Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity (GOSH Charity).

Every day brings new challenges at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH). Every day, around 750 seriously ill children and young people are seen at GOSH from all over the UK for life-changing treatment and care. Every day, doctors and nurses battle the most complex illnesses, and the brightest minds come together to achieve pioneering medical breakthroughs.

And with every kilometre I run, I’ll be helping GOSH Charity give seriously ill children the chance of a better future.

This extraordinary hospital has always depended on charitable support, so please help me to achieve my goal by giving whatever you can; no amount is too small to make a difference.  

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors



Go Sparks!


Rachel Holdway

I am proud of you for doing the walking to donation Good luck ❤️


Katie Ward

Amazing job, well done! xx


Stacy Davis

You can do this beaut! Well done xx


Lauren Campbell Brown

Good luck lovely this is a great cause xxx


Linda Poulastides

Good luck Charlotte x


Annie Cb

Keep going Charlotte, it’s a great charity X



Such a good cause Charlotte, wish you all the best!


Katie Kaspa

Well done Darling, keep up the good work. Very proud of you xxx


The Hoppers

Well done Sparky such a great cause! Lots of love from Jade Tommy and Betsy xxx


Samuel Mcwilliams

What a great cause, Charlotte. Very best of luck/ keep going! S.


Charlotte Griffiths

Good luck Charlotte! Great thing to do x