Claire Appleby

JanuRun 2024

My Activity Tracking


My target 31 kms

I’m taking part in Janurun because…

I would like to help raise awareness for the support that GOSH charity gives to children and families from across the UK.

The following 3 things are entirely funded by GOSH charity and are particularly close to my heart:

• they provide family accommodation and guarantee that at least one parent can stay overnight.

• have a team of approx 50 play specialists to help 300-400 children each day.

•  they fund ground breaking medical research for children’s health, nationwide.

My connection to GOSH began at the age of 5 when I was taken to a nearby hospital for some tests, I was immediately admitted and had an operation the next day to rectify a kidney defect that had been undiagnosed from birth.

At that time the hospital only had one guest room which was used by another parent who lived further away..

I have many memories of being in hospital including playing with a boy called Peter, we had a daily competitive game of who can drink the most water!

The nursing Sister Fay told my mother that children who have an illness grow up to be strong and resilient (sounds a bit like me!) however this is not always the case in todays world and children need help to stay calm and understand what is happening which is why I believe play specialists are so vital.

My operation was a success thanks to a great pioneering surgeon who founded the children’s urology dept at GOSH, his name was Sir David Innes Williams (knighted in 1985) his successor Philip Ransley removed one of my kidneys when I was 18, thankfully another success!

GOSH charity is dependent on charitable supportso please help me to achieve my goal by giving whatever you can, no amount is too small to make a difference.

Thank you for all your kindness and support.


My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Fernanda Diaz


Claire Appleby


Antony Diplock


Peter & Susan Miller


Laura-jayne Davis


Kevin Joyce