Julie Cheatle

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We're taking part in RBC Race for the Kids as a family - please help us raise as much as we can

Julie Cheatle

Race for Kids 2024

I am an ambassador at Premier Inn for GOSH and it means mo9re to me than you could know! At the age of just 18 months my youngest daughter was very ill and rushed to hospital with Bacterial meningitis. I believe that if it wasn't for the fantastic care & work that the Drs and Nurses did for her, then she would not be here today. Although she was left with a hearing disability, this has not stopped her from enjoying a very active life - she is now an elit competitive gymnast, having just sat her GCSE's. Without hospitals like Great Ormond Street we wuld not have piece of mind as parents that we have somehere to take them when and if they ever fall seriously ill or need specialist treatment. This hospital in particular offers the BEST care and specialist consultants in the world and I am very proud to be able to support them and give back.. 

I’m joining the race to help beat childhood cancer by taking part in RBC Race for the Kids

I’m taking part in GOSH Charity’s fun run, RBC Race for the Kids, to raise funds to help build the new Children’s Cancer Centre at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) as part of Team Premier Inn and Restaurants. 

GOSH already cares for children with the hardest to treat cancers. Pioneering research is underway to find the most effective treatments and cures, which give hope to children and their families. 

But the rapidly changing pace of cancer medicine has outstripped GOSH’s existing cancer facilities., and the hospital needs a new home to help deliver breakthrough therapies. Somewhere that will treat the child, not just their disease. 

With the help of Premier Inn and Restaurants, that home will be the new Children’s Cancer Centre at GOSH.

The funds raised from RBC Race for the Kids will help build a world-class facility with children at its heart. 

A place where children have access to play and education alongside pioneering treatments. Where families can stay together through some of the hardest moments. Where access to outdoor space is a priority, and a focus on nutrition helps fuel recovery. 

Please sponsor me to take on a 5k for GOSH Charity. Together we can build it. Together we can help beat childhood cancer.

My Achievements

Self donation

Received first donation

£25 raised

£50 raised

£100 raised

£200 raised

50% of fundraising target

100% of fundraising target

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Thank you to my Sponsors



Good luck Helen you and Will, will smash it 😀


Ruby Cheatle



Good luck mum!! so proud of you xx


Julie Cheatle


Kerry Dutton


Helen Ward


Michelle Taylor

Good luck


Julie Vettese

Good luck Helen, you can do this xx


Donna Warburton

Good luck Helen xx


Emma Cooper

Good.luck today u will smash it x