Lauren Dearne

JanuRun 2024

My Activity Tracking


My target 31 kms

Seafront Shufflers

I’ve joined a local running group and we got another 2 miles done this Thursday ❤️ the running community has been so welcoming even to a slow runner like me! 12/31 miles completed and I have a park run planned this week too!

Wednesday run

Another two miles in the cold ❤️ 10/31 completed!


Completed my local ParkRun today which got me another 3 miles done I’ve now completed 8/31 and so far raised £145!!! So grateful to everyone who’s donated I know it’s tight this time of year just after Christmas but i really appreciate it!


Second run completed in the wind and rain last night, got 5 miles done altogther and we are 5 days into January so staying nicely on track!

Looking forward to my local park run on Saturday to get another 3 miles ticked off!

January 2024!

First three miles completed! Kicking off the new year with a 5K

I’m running, walking or wheeling 31 miles in January for GOSH Charity!

I’m making a positive start to 2024 by running, walking or wheeling 31 miles in January, all to raise money for Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity (GOSH Charity).

Every day, around 750 children and young people are seen at GOSH from across the UK for life-changing treatment and care. Every day, doctors and nurses battle the most complex illnesses, and the brightest minds come together to achieve pioneering medical breakthroughs. And every day that I run, walk or wheel you'll help GOSH Charity give seriously ill children the chance of a better future.

This extraordinary hospital has always depended on charitable supportso please help me to achieve my goal by giving whatever you can, no amount is too small to make a difference.

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Sylvia French


Cindy Dearne


Teresa Putland


Anuja Sonawane


Lauren Dearne


Ian King


Colin Purkiss


Kristina Mclean


Jo Nones


Paige Dearne


Jonathon Robinson


Cath Purkiss


Joanne French


Kara Hopgood


Anna Smith


Meda Radumeda Radu


Devon Moore


Natasha Jupp


Callum Howell