Pollyanna Durbin

Run 100K in September 2024

My Activity Tracking


My target 100 kms

I’m running 100K in September for Great Ormond Street!

I’m challenging myself to run 100km in the month of September to raise money for Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity .

Every day, GOSH opens its arms and its doors to seriously ill children from all over the UK for life-changing treatment and care. One very special little patient is my about to turn 2-year-old niece who is currently undergoing chemotherapy.

This incredible hospital has always depended on charitable support, so please help me to achieve this goal by giving whatever you can.

Thank you so much. 

Polly x

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Simon Azzi

Good luck Polly! Love, Simon


Leila And Rob

What a lovely lovely challenge! We know you can do this Polly ! Sending much love to sweet, brave Eliza and all the family








Way to go Polly! So inspired 🏃‍♀️💖 lots of love!


Georgina Pattison

Best of luck Pol, what an incredible challenge and for a very worthy cause. Sending you all our love Xxx


Emily Hull

Godspeed Pol. You’ve got this! Xx


Sarjoun Azzi

Goodluck 😂


Alice Cotton

What an amazing and courageous auntie you are! Sending strength and love to you, Eliza and family xxx


Richard Simmonds

Go Polly! Great cause 🩷 xx


Julia Griffiths

Good luck, hope you enjoy it!! Lotsa love xx


Holly Badham

So proud of you Pol 💚 x



Good luck!


Anna Gazi

Good luck Pol! Great charity and what a little warrior your niece is. xxx


Benjamin Widdup

All the best Pol! What an amazing thing to do. Buen camino!


Vanessa Alfonso Laureano

All you need Polly! Vamooos


Amy Ahlblad

run run run Paul


Harry Amende


Rachel Waller

Go Polly! Amazing you!



Brilliant, Polly. Lots of love xx


Anna Booty

Way to go, Polly - may the wings of Atalanta be with you! xxx




Flora Williamson

Go Polly!