Simon Jakowicz

Run 100K in September 2024

My Activity Tracking


My target 800 kms

Day 9

I completely underestimated how tough this challenge would be. Last month, I managed 330km on the bike, with 230km done in the last two weeks. This month, I've already logged 298km cycling and 28km running. My legs are beyond fatigued. Yesterday, I pushed through 80km (50 miles)—the longest ride I've ever done by far.

This morning, I woke up with a badly swollen left wrist, but after an hour of icing and tightly wrapping it with boxing hand wraps, I still managed to squeeze in another 25km. On top of that, my soleus muscle is incredibly tight, but with regular stretching, I'm scraping through my daily 3km run.

On top of that, I completely overlooked the fact that I'll be in NYC from the evening of the 25th until the morning of the 30th. While I probably won't get much cycling in—unless I can rent a bike for a couple of hours in Central Park—I’ll still be keeping up with my running. This means I'll need to squeeze in another 402km on the bike within the next 16 days. No easy challenge, when my quads are completely spent already.

Day 2 - Complete

Day 2 is wrapped up, and I've knocked out 10 km of running and 60 km of cycling. If I keep this pace, that goal's going down in no time!

But what really blows me away is that you've already helped raise £750—the original target! So, I've raised the goal to £1,250. It's ambitious, but I know we can do it. I want to extend a huge thank you to everyone who has contributed to this cause, making such a positive impact in the world. Your generosity means the world to me, and you all have my utmost respect.

Thank you!

Here Goes Nothing

Impulsive could easily be my middle name. I saw an ad for this challenge and signed up without a second thought. I needed a challenge, and if I can raise money for GOSH in the process, then I’m in. If I had to estimate how much running I’ve done in the last 20 years (excluding sports), it probably wouldn’t total much more than 100 kilometers. So, attempting to run 100 kilometers in 30 days is no small feat for me. I realise for some, this might not even be a challenge, but for me, it’s uncharted territory—especially since I’ve never run more than 6 miles in one go!

But why stop there? In addition to the GOSH fundraiser, I’m also pushing my limits in September by tackling 700 kilometers on my mountain bike—double the most I’ve ever done in a single month (which was just this August at 350 kilometers).

This challenge is tough for me, but it's nothing compared to what the brave children at GOSH face every day. GOSH provides life-changing treatment and care for thousands of seriously ill children from across the UK and beyond. They’re at the forefront of pediatric healthcare, offering cutting-edge treatments and pioneering research that gives hope to families in the most challenging circumstances. Every penny raised helps GOSH continue their incredible work, ensuring that no child is ever turned away.

The GOSH website only tracks my running progress. For detailed information on both my runs and bike rides, including total cycling distance, you can follow my updates on Garmin or Strava:

On my Garmin profile, you'll find a bar chart near the top of the page displaying my total running and cycling distance for each month. Hover over the September bar for a summary, or dig into the individual activities as you desire.

Any contribution, big or small, can make a real difference in supporting the incredible work of Great Ormond Street Hospital. I’ll be posting weekly updates—wish me luck!

I’m running 100KM in September for GOSH Charity! 

I’m challenging myself to run 100 kilometres this September to raise money for Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity (GOSH Charity).

Every day brings new challenges at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH). Every day, around 750 seriously ill children and young people are seen at GOSH from all over the UK for life-changing treatment and care. Every day, doctors and nurses battle the most complex illnesses, and the brightest minds come together to achieve pioneering medical breakthroughs.

And with every kilometre I run, I’ll be helping GOSH Charity give seriously ill children the chance of a better future.

This extraordinary hospital has always depended on charitable support, so please help me to achieve my goal by giving whatever you can; no amount is too small to make a difference.  

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


James J

I didn’t know you were planning this but it looks like you’re really pushing yourself for a great cause. Well done and good luck.


Phil Jakowicz

A very commendable cause and worthy charity Little Bear. With your determination I wouldn't say September would be a breeze but I know you will give 100% to achieve your goal. Very proud of you!


Ian Yuill

Good luck Simon great and worthy cause mate you will smash it !!!


Joseph Cooper


Simon Jakowicz


Angela Panayi

That’s great Simon 🥳


Vemokshi Sivaganeshanathan

Simon this is a great cause you are raising money for. I know you will be successful in completing your challenge as you always achieve what you set your mind to. You are an inspiration!


Emilia Panayi

This is amazing! Good luck Simon, you’ve got this!




Mel Turner

Well done Simon.


Daniel Phillips

A challenge for sure, but have no doubt you'll achieve it:)


Andy Lambert

Great cause, fair play mate 👏



You have done brilliantly well Simon, I am so proud of you.


Nick Glancy

All the best, bro


Sivaganeshanathan Chelliah

Good luck you will do well and keep up the good work you are doing for charities!


Charlie Nowell

All the best bro!


Lee Woodcock

Best of luck Simon, great charity


Ashley Leigh

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Ryan A.

Keep smashing it, mate 💪 I know you’ll hit that 100 KM and beyond! 🏁🏃‍♂️


Despo Sofroniou

Good luck Simon


Kelly Callaghan

Good Luck!


John Lane

Good luck with the challenge Simon!