Steve Talbot

Run 100K in September 2023

My Activity Tracking


My target 200 kms

Completed 206km

So I completed 206km in the end. Well and above what I set out to. Pushing myself in every event and day after day. I ran after late shifts in the middle of the night in the dark, carried weight for 10 miles, did over a half marathon around London and even dressed up in an inflatable T-Rex sweating more than I have ever sweated. All done for a great cause and glad that I took the challenge on. A big thankyou to all those that sponsered me.


Halfway through my September Challenge for Great Ormond Street and over 100km already completed over various terrains and in different disciplines. More challenges to come that I have set myself to complete by the end of the month including a vertical 5km climb, a 6 mile Only the Brave Obstacle Event and an inflatable costume run to name a few. If you haven’t already please sponsor my efforts with what you can to support GOSH in their work with sick children.

The Goal

My aim is to surpass the 100km and get as many km in the bank in Sept as I can to really challenge myself. Hoping to raise some money for a great charity that supports the most vulnerable children and their families in their moment of need. 

I’m running over 200km in September for GOSH Charity! 

I’m challenging myself to run 200 kilometres this September doing various challenges including a mud run, weighted march, vertical 5km and fancy dress run to name a few, to raise money for Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity (GOSH Charity).

Every day brings new challenges at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH). Every day, around 750 seriously ill children and young people are seen at GOSH from all over the UK for life-changing treatment and care. Every day, doctors and nurses battle the most complex illnesses, and the brightest minds come together to achieve pioneering medical breakthroughs. 

And with every kilometre I run, I’ll be helping GOSH Charity give seriously ill children the chance of a better future.

This extraordinary hospital has always depended on charitable support, so please help me to achieve my goal by giving whatever you can; no amount is too small to make a difference.  

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Douglas Talbot




Matt Whyte


Samuel Butcher


Charles Wilkinson


Andy Butcher


Diane Butcher


Derek Grimes


Alex Kimmins


Kara Leah


Gareth Thomas


Sally Blackden


Ian Cash


Gordon Miller


Daniel Cross


Beth Wykes


Steve Talbot


Adam White


Sharon Robey


Eno Van Oost


Bradley Brown


Nicola Baldwin


Dan Brindle


Wendy Buck


Aaron & Laura Hunter


Marie Elliott


Stuart James


Jon Bailey


Craig Norman


Nathan Lees