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Could go towards the cost of a specialist children's bed on one of our new cancer wards
Could help fund a play/therapy mat to make spaces safe and more comfortable for children to play on and for therapy sessions
Could fund a comfortable (but hospital-safe) sensory bean bag to relax and play on in sensory spaces or play areas
Could help fund a table for a kitchen so that a family can eat together during long hospital stays.

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Yes, make my donation a Gift Aid donation.
I confirm I am a UK taxpayer and would like Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity to reclaim tax on this donation, any future gifts I make, and any donations I have made in the past four years. I understand that if I pay less Income or Capital Gains Tax than the amount claimed on all my donations in that tax year (April 6 – April 5) it is my responsibility to pay any difference. Please note that Gift Aid cannot be claimed by one individual on monies collected from multiple donors e.g., birthday collections.
Your donation will go to support the vital cancer care services at GOSH, including the refurbishment of GOSH buildings, upgrading equipment, pioneering research, kinder treatments and offering vital welfare services to our families during their time at GOSH.In the event that costs change, additional funds are received over and above our target, the needs of the hospital or patients change, we reserve the right to redirect funds for use against the hospital’s most urgent needs.
