Event Information

What is RBC Race for the Kids?

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RBC Race for the Kids is Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity's (GOSH Charity) annual flagship mass participation event which raises money for Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH). RBC Race for the Kids is a family festival and 2k or 5k fun run, taking place in London’s Hyde Park on Saturday 12 October 2024. Thousands of people of all abilities will join the race to help beat childhood cancer by walking, wheeling, jogging or running their way to the finish line. It will be a fun-filled day of music, entertainment, food, games, face painting and much more.

How long is the course?

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For the first time ever, there will be two options. One course is two kilometres, and the other is five kilometres. For both distances, participants can walk,  jog, wheel or scoot around the course while they take in views of London's iconic Hyde Park.

Can we enter as a team?

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Yes, you can take part in a team or individually. Entering as a team is a fun way to get involved. Why not get some friendly competition going? Kids go free, but please make sure that all children, including babies, are registered.

Who can take part?

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The event will see people of all ages and abilities take part. From babies in pushchairs to grandparents to wheelchair users, everyone is welcome to walk, run, scoot, or wheel their way around the course. You need to be 16 years or over on event day to register as an individual or a team. Children aged 15 and under must take part with an adult and can only be added to a team by a registered adult and will require consent from a parent or guardian.

How much does it cost?

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Adult registration ranges from £15 - £20 for the 2k, and from £18-£25 for the 5k, depending on when you sign up. Children under 16 go free, but ALL children must be registered to take part on the day.

Included in your registration fee is your race pack (including t-shirt if requested), a special RBC Race for the Kids wooden medal and all the fun entertainment and activities in the festival village. However, any donations for the activities are very welcome!

Do I need to register my child?

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Yes, even though kids go free, all children taking part in the event must be registered so we can send them a t-shirt and race number, which is a health and safety requirement for them to take part in the event.

Can I get a refund for my registration fee?

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Registration fees are non-refundable.

If the event is delayed or cancelled due to any situation beyond our control, e.g., adverse weather conditions, we will try to arrange for the event to take place at a later date but cannot guarantee this will happen. No registration fees are refundable under these circumstances.

If the event is cancelled by GOSH Charity due to concerns, or due to restrictions being imposed by the Government, regarding COVID-19 or its variants, which means the event is unable to take place as originally envisaged, we will try to arrange for the event to take place at a later date, but cannot guarantee this will happen. If we are unable to rearrange another date, there are two options available for you:

  1. Gift your registration fee – we would be incredibly grateful if you would consider your registration fee as a donation to GOSH Charity.
  2. Request a refund – if the above option does not work for you, we would offer the opportunity to request a refund of your registration fee.

If GOSH Charity is able to rearrange a date and you are unable to attend, the above two options are also available for you.

What time does the race start?

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Event village opens at 8.30am. Race starts at 10am with all the exciting entertainment until 2pm.

How do you keep participants safe? 

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We work closely with the Metropolitan Police and other organisations and have a range of measures in place to ensure your safety and security.

We work with London Marathon Events (LME) to deliver the event. LME’s highly trained teams work alongside police officers, the emergency services and event organisers. LME’s teams include highly trained stewards and security dogs, with very experienced handlers, who patrol the crowds, but please be assured the dogs are friendly – and welcome a pat!

Every steward on and around the route can communicate with the Event Control Room, where we work closely with the police and other emergency services via radio and other channels should they need support.

Will the event still go ahead if the weather conditions are bad?

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Unless the forecast shows extreme weather conditions, this year's RBC Race for the Kids will still take place come rain or shine! We will ensure it is as accessible as possible and take all necessary steps to ensure it is safe and enjoyable – whatever the weather. Please do dress appropriately; wearing layers under your race t-shirts if you think you will be cold. Water taps will be supplied to fill up your water bottles, as well as first aiders along the route to ensure the race is safe, accessible and enjoyable for all.

Can we bring our pet dogs?

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Yes, your pet pooches are very welcome to come along to the event!

What is the wheelchair and pushchair access?

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The route has been specially designed to be accessible to all and will take you through London’s iconic Hyde Park on its paved pathways. Please note that some of the post-race entertainment will take place on the grass areas of the park.

Are there any activities on the day?

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There will be plenty of free family friendly activities and entertainment on the day, including stage entertainment, face painting, and more.

Will there be refreshments?

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Refreshments will be available throughout the day on the event site. Water will also be provided at the finish line.

Want to be more environmentally friendly? All water at the finish line is provided in cans, to avoid single-use plastic. But you can also play a part by bringing your own refillable water bottles. There will be water points within the festival village where you can refill your bottles.

Will there be first aid?

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Yes, there will be first aiders, including paramedics, as well as security staff. Water will also be provided. The event is designed to be fun and open to all abilities, so we encourage people to stay at their own pace and enjoy the day. We also ask runners to provide emergency contact details for family and friends on the back of their running number in case of an emergency and that all children have a wristband (provided in race pack) with parent/guardian contact details.

Will there be changing or baggage facilities?

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We will provide baggage storage for our participants in the festival village. Please note all items are left at the owner’s own risk.

There are no changing facilities so please come ready to race! Baby changing facilities are located in the accessible toilet. 

Can children bring their bikes?

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No, bikes are unfortunately not allowed. Scooters or balance bikes are fine, provided the rider is accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times. Any bikes that are needed for accessibility are also fine.

Motorised vehicles including e-scooters are not permitted. 

Do I get a medal?

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Yes, as you cross the finish line, you’ll be given a wooden medal.

Race pack and t-shirt Information

Can I get an official RBC Race for the Kids t-shirt?

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To prevent waste at this year’s event, an official RBC Race for the Kids t-shirt will not automatically be included in your race entry packs. For anyone who has taken part in RBC Race for the Kids before, we would love to see as many people as possible re-using their old t-shirts, however you can still request a new t-shirt for this year’s event if you would like one.

Can I wear my company or sponsor's t-shirt?

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Yes. You might find that you'll be able to raise a lot more money if you wear your company's t-shirt or even fancy dress. If it helps to raise more funds, and it's safe to run in it, then please feel free.

My t-shirt doesn't fit, can I change the size?

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If you would like to change your t-shirt size, please bring your unworn t-shirt to the race pack collection tent on the morning of the event where we will exchange it for a different size. Please note that the race pack collection tent will be very busy on event day so please allow extra time to do this.

Will my child receive a t-shirt?

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Yes, all participants including children can have a t-shirt in their race pack. Please select the relevant t-shirt sizes at registration. Please note that our children's t-shirt sizes begin at age 3-4.

My race pack hasn't arrived

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We will be sending out the first wave of race packs at the end of August. Please do not worry if you have not yet received your race pack. If you have any questions about your race pack, please email us at raceforthekids@gosh.org.

Fundraising Information

Do I have to fundraise?

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We do not set any minimum fundraising targets, but we would love you to raise as much as you can. Your registration fee contributes towards the cost of holding the event, but by fundraising on top, you will be joining the race to help beat childhood cancer. 

How much is it expected to raise and where will the money go?

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Over the last 14 years, RBC Race for the Kids has raised more than £10 million for the children and families at Great Ormond Street Hospital. This year, we are hoping to raise over £1 million. 

We are dedicated to building a better future for the seriously ill children who arrive at Great Ormond Street Hospital every day from across the UK and the world.

All the funds raised from RBC Race for the Kids 2024 will help build the Children‘s Cancer Centre at GOSH.

A world-class facility with children at its heart.

A place where children have access to play and education alongside pioneering treatments. Where families can stay together through some of the hardest moments. Where access to outdoor space is a priority, and a focus on nutrition helps fuel recovery. 

In the event that costs change, or the needs of the hospital or patients change, we reserve the right to redirect funds for use against the hospital's most urgent need. 

Can we change wave/way of completing the course?

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When you register for RBC Race for the Kids, you will be asked to select a way of completing the course. This will correspond to which wave you are in on the day and the colour of your race number. We aren't able to change race numbers this close to the event. However, on the day, you will be allowed to move back into a slower/later wave. So if you chose running, you will be able to move to the jogging, walking, or 2k wave. If you chose jogging you will be able to move into the walking or 2k wave. If you chose walking, you will be able to go into the 2k wave.
