Ayla Raithatha

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We're taking part in RBC Race for the Kids as a family - please help us raise as much as we can

Ayla Raithatha

Ayla Raithatha

Ari Raithatha

Bansri Raithatha

My First Charity Run

Hi everyone! My name is Ayla, and I’m 6 years old. I’m super excited to tell you all about my first-ever charity run for GOSH (Great Ormond Street Hospital)! 🎉

At the beginning of 2024, I started doing Parkruns with my family. At first, I was a little nervous about running, but it turned out to be so much fun! I love the feeling of the wind in my hair and the sound of my feet hitting the ground. Plus, I get to see so many friendly faces in the park!

Now, I’m getting ready for the GOSH Charity Run, where I will be running 2 kilometers!

The best part about this run is that it’s for a good cause! GOSH helps sick children get better, and I want to do my part to help them. Every step I take is to support the amazing doctors, nurses, and everyone else who works there. Knowing that I’m helping other kids makes me feel really proud!

On the day of the run, I’m going to wear my favorite running shoes and a bright T-shirt. I want everyone to see how much fun I’m having while helping others. After I finish, I hope to celebrate with my family and friends with a yummy snack!

If you want to join in or support the GOSH Charity Run, you can still sign up! Let’s run together and make a difference!

Thank you for reading my blog! I can’t wait to share more about my running adventure. Wish me luck on my big day! 🏃‍♀️💖


I’m joining the race to help beat childhood cancer by taking part in RBC Race for the Kids

I’m taking part in GOSH Charity’s family festival and fun run, RBC Race for the Kids, to raise funds to help build the new Children’s Cancer Centre at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH).

Cancer is the biggest killer of children aged one to 14 in the UK. But a child doesn’t have to die from cancer for it to take their life. Living with cancer is different for every child. It can mean countless rounds of debilitating treatment. Seeing your siblings through the windows of an isolation room. Not knowing when you’ll sleep in your own bed again. It can mean missing out on parties and playdates and trips to the park. It can mean missing the moments that make up a childhood. 

But we won’t let it. 

We won’t let cancer steal childhoods. 

Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) already cares for children with the hardest to treat cancers. Pioneering research is underway to find the most effective treatments and cures, which give hope to children and their families. 

But the rapidly changing pace of cancer medicine has outstripped GOSH’s existing cancer facilities., and the hospital needs a new home to help deliver breakthrough therapies. Somewhere that will treat the child, not just their disease. 

That home will be the new Children’s Cancer Centre at GOSH.

The funds raised from RBC Race for the Kids will help build a world-class facility with children at its heart. 

A place where children have access to play and education alongside pioneering treatments. Where families can stay together through some of the hardest moments. Where access to outdoor space is a priority, and a focus on nutrition helps fuel recovery. 

Please sponsor me to take on a 2k or 5k for GOSH Charity. Together we can build it. Together we can help beat childhood cancer.

My Achievements

£100 raised

£200 raised

£500 raised

£1000 raised

50% of fundraising target

100% of fundraising target

Added a profile picture

Shared your page

Posted an update

Self donation

Received first donation

Created a team

Thank you to my Sponsors


Nana Nani

Keep it up, good luck for your progress


Dipak Shah

Ayla, all the best. You are running for a good cause at this young age.Keep it up.


Your Biggest Cheerleader 📣

You Can, You Will & You Do!!!!


Shai Bariya

Well done Didi… We love you xxx


Madhu & Ranjan Shah

Great work. Keep it up


Dada & Dadi

Great Work! Good Luck Ayla!


Pradeep Nayar

Best of Luck Ayla! You can do it!


Aarohi Paresh

Helping others is key to happiness .


Fruity Fresh

Good luck!


Kishor And Hansa Kotecha


Mila , Lu & James

So proud of you Ayla you smashed it today lil mate !!! Never giving up XXX Lots of love your buddy Mila ❤️ Lu & James


Anya And Ariyan

Amazing cause! Best of luck Anya and Ariyan


Kamlesh Bica


Neeti Anand

Go Ayla! Love Adira!


Jayesh, Priya, Simran & Niam


Ronak Patel

Good luck Ayla. Hope you have fun running and raising lot of money for great cause. Love Naoa.


Mahi And Milli

Well done on raising money for a brilliant cause. Enjoy your run!


Jitesh, Meera & Amar Raithatha

Well done Ayla!


Deepa Nayar

Well done Ayla, we are super proud of you xxx



All the Best great Job ❤️



Good luck.


Aaryan, Ishaan & Reyaan

Good luck Ayla, we are proud of you x


Chris Allen

Good Luck Ayla!


Craig Connick


Ken Phillips


Jayesh, Priya, Simran And Niam

Keep running! :-)


Shantilal And Chandrika Kanani

Good luck Ayla!


Kal, Kalpana & Josh

Good Luck Ayla! x



Good luck Ayla!! Xxxx



Very Happy


Duncan Finlay


Candace Reading

Well done Ayla! My son had life saving surgery when he was a baby at GOSH. You can see what we've got up to ever since on our insta page East End Kids. I think you're a really cool kid for doing this!


Vidhasha Meghji

Well done 👏🏼 you’re such inspiration ♥️


Laura Day

Well done Ayla xx Love from Chloe and family


Kavita Panchmatiya

Well Done Ayla! We are very Proud of you! Way to go!


Nirmala Panchmatia

Great Job Ayla! Onwards and Upwards!


Rajni Kohli

Great work! You are doing a great job


Arthur Ho


Tilly Fantham

Well done Ayla!!! Great running


Hemlata Raithatha

Good Luck Ayla 💕


Strawberries And Buttercups

Fantastic! Such an amazing thing to do!