Samuel Fuller

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We're taking part in RBC Race for the Kids as a family - please help us raise as much as we can

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My target 5 kms

I’m doing the RBC Race for Kids fun run!

Hi, I am running my first ever 2k run on October 12th to raise money for GOSH. The run is in Hyde Park and my mummy will be racing with me by my side while Daddy cheers us on!

I would really love it if you could sponsor me. The money I raise goes towards building a new children’s cancer centre at Great Ormond Street Hospital.

I can’t wait to get running!

Samuel x

RBC Race for the Kids is Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity's (GOSH Charity) annual flagship mass participation event which raises money for Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH). 

My Achievements

£100 raised

£200 raised

£500 raised

£1000 raised

50% of fundraising target

100% of fundraising target

Added a profile picture

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Self donation

Received first donation

Created a team

Thank you to my Sponsors


Bryan Jefferson


Mark Jefferson

Good luck Samuel, you can do it! Lots of love, uncle Mark x


Karen Bartram

Good luck Samuel!! Xxx

