Gemma Norris

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We're taking part in RBC Race for the Kids as a family - please help us raise as much as we can

Gemma Norris

Jude Wheeler

Jude was born on the 07.09.23 he was put straight on a ventilator. He was transferred to John Radcliffe as his heart was failing, they then sent him onto GOSH. The team carried out a lung biopsy which showed Jude had a rare lung disease that was affecting his heart. After 21 long days in the neonatal intensive care unit we were transferred back to our local hospital. 

There are no words to express how grateful I am to the whole team. They saved my little boys life. The care and love we felt in a very uncertain time was so warming. There is nothing worse than seeing your child poorly and feeling helpless. I will be running 5k to help raise money for the new development of children’s cancer centre.

Thank you for any donations ☺️

I’m joining the race to help beat childhood cancer by taking part in RBC Race for the Kids

I’m taking part in GOSH Charity’s family festival and fun run, RBC Race for the Kids, to raise funds to help build the new Children’s Cancer Centre at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH).

Cancer is the biggest killer of children aged one to 14 in the UK. But a child doesn’t have to die from cancer for it to take their life. Living with cancer is different for every child. It can mean countless rounds of debilitating treatment. Seeing your siblings through the windows of an isolation room. Not knowing when you’ll sleep in your own bed again. It can mean missing out on parties and playdates and trips to the park. It can mean missing the moments that make up a childhood. 

But we won’t let it. 

We won’t let cancer steal childhoods. 

Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) already cares for children with the hardest to treat cancers. Pioneering research is underway to find the most effective treatments and cures, which give hope to children and their families. 

But the rapidly changing pace of cancer medicine has outstripped GOSH’s existing cancer facilities., and the hospital needs a new home to help deliver breakthrough therapies. Somewhere that will treat the child, not just their disease. 

That home will be the new Children’s Cancer Centre at GOSH.

The funds raised from RBC Race for the Kids will help build a world-class facility with children at its heart. 

A place where children have access to play and education alongside pioneering treatments. Where families can stay together through some of the hardest moments. Where access to outdoor space is a priority, and a focus on nutrition helps fuel recovery. 

Please sponsor me to take on a 2k or 5k for GOSH Charity. Together we can build it. Together we can help beat childhood cancer.

My Achievements

£100 raised

£200 raised

£500 raised

£1000 raised

50% of fundraising target

100% of fundraising target

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Thank you to my Sponsors


Buk Mensa Bucket


Mum And Nigel


Andrew Wheeler


Solcast Consultants

Good luck Gemma


Debbie Wheeler

Very proud off you Gemma , well done xx


Jonny Durnion


Gemma Norris


Sarah Norris

Good luck Gem, you got this. Jude is the most gorgeous little boy, he's got his mummy's strength. What a kind and lovely thing to do to help others and raise awareness xx


Georgie Angell

Good luck Gem, love Tom and Georgie❤️


Steve & Mandy Clark

Gemma you are amazing ❤️❤️ good luck with you 5k. Love you lots xxx 😘


The Smiths Xx

Good Luck Gemma, amazing cause xx


Charlotte Norris

Such a fantastic cause! Wishing you all the best with your run Gem...your going to be amazing. You are a gorgeous, strong, beautiful ray of sunshine Jude and we love you very much. Huge thank you GOSH team! Sending love and support to all poorly children and families out there.


Helen Norris

Well done Gem for doing this run for such a great cause. Dad and Helen



Good luck gem!! Such a great cause ❤️❤️❤️


Jenny And Louie Over

An amazing cause! Good luck Gemma 💙


Gemma Norris


Kelly Norris
