Sarah (Olly)

JanuRun 2024

My Activity Tracking


My target 31 kms

and that's a wrap!

31 miles in 31 days, done! 

thank you to everyone who has supported me over the last month, it means a lot.
back in the 1920s, my grandad was born with what was, at the time, a fatal stomach condition. thanks to the pioneering surgery at Great Ormond Street (family lore has it that he was the first to receive such a surgery), he survived, and got to live his life. he got to fall in love and have kids (and those kids had kids - and some of those kids also had kids). what a fantastic legacy.

additionally, that surgery is now an everyday run-of-the-mill surgery that means other people with the same condition get to live their lives as well. 

so thank you to everyone. now for a rest... 

the light at the end of the tunnel

I can't believe there are only 6 miles to go before I hit the target. 

I picked up a bit of an injury last week on the treadmill - not a fan of them at the best of times, but with all the swaying of the boat and me wearing "the wrong trainers" I ended up with 2 large holes in the back of my heels. but with the help of a lot of plasters I'm back in my (proper) running shoes and now I can almost see the finish line. 

25 miles in 28 days is a lot to be proud of already. looking forward to getting to the end. thanks to everyone who has supported me thus far. 

interesting view

bit of a change to my usual running route. currently at sea so braved the treadmill in the ship's gym. I wasn't designed for running on two different moving surfaces, but got there in the end! passed the 20 mile mark, just another 10 miles to go! thanks to Niki and my Mum for your sponsorship :)

passed the 10 mile mark!

what are challenges without a bit of adversity? been a bit poorly this week, so decided to push myself today and stretch to 3 miles - and I did it! I've not run 3 miles in about... 5 years? 

shout out to Rachel for sponsoring me, much appreciated 👍🏻

a night run in the snow

decided to brave the cold weather and go for my run after work - yes those are snowflakes on my hoodie... another 2 miles down though :)

Happy New Year

It's D-Day, crunch time, the day I stop procrastinating and actually do the thing I signed up for; this month I am going to run 31 miles in 31 days. 

I am by no-means a regular nor a proficient runner. I started the couch to5k programme in September, and despite a bout of "borderline pneumonia" in November (because of course), I'm still going. 

I enjoy it, and while this is a challenge it should also be an achievable goal, and hopefully raise some money for a great cause at the same time. 

So I've had some breakfast and I'm about to put the old running shoes on. And I know things are tight at the moment, but if you could put some money to GOSH, that would be appreciated.  

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Si Lynch


Norma Bradley


Grant Streader


Gemma Teale


Katy Gibbins


Rachel C


Nikoletta Clayden


Hannah Griffiths

