Taylor Keily

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We're taking part in RBC Race for the Kids as a family - please help us raise as much as we can

Taylor Keily

My Activity Tracking


My target 50 kms

Why I’m doing this

As someone who has always wanted to run, charity runs have always been something I’ve wanted to do, and this is going to be the first of many. Fitness and sport is such a huge factor of my life and the ability to positively impact others while also achieving personal goal, in my opinion, is incredible.
As to why I’ve chose to do this specific run is for exactly that and also personal goals, having only started seriously running at the start of the year to then break a bone which sidelined me for 3 months was a massive step in the wrong direction, so this not only marks my first charity run, but my record from basically day one again and i thought that can only be made better by helping to raise money for such an important charity.

Any support received from anyone, whether it’s a donation or showing up on the day or even just wishing me the best is massively appreciated and most certainly goes a long way. Thanks and wish me luck!

My Achievements

£100 raised

£200 raised

£500 raised

£1000 raised

50% of fundraising target

100% of fundraising target

Added a profile picture

Shared your page

Posted an update

Self donation

Received first donation

Created a team

Thank you to my Sponsors


Lissa Keily


Alex White

Good luck mate - amazing cause.


Martin Johnson

Good luck mate! Go smash it.



Good luck dude, you got this x


Taylor Keily


Nick Munn

Good luck mate, I know you will smash it.