Joan Tomkinson

JanuRun 2024

My Activity Tracking


My target 31 kms

26th January - Finally back at it!

After almost 2 weeks off after coming down with the lurgee we managed not 1 but 2 walks today!! A visit to Aldingbourne for a play and to see the animals (2.11 miles), then a quick walk round swanbourne lake on the way home (1.44 miles). Both of today's walks bring us to 16.42 miles so far, a little behind how many I hoped we'd have done by now, but there's still 5 days left to get it done!

13th Jan- try again tomorrow

A rather fresh walk round Amgmering Park today. Georgia started off raring to go but the enthusiasm quickly dwindled and turned into tantrums. As she reluctantly went into the carrier I decided for the shorter route to save the eardrums of the other walkers. 1.97 miles recorded today (not sure what happened to the last part? 🤷‍♀️) Bringing us up to 12.87 miles total. We'll try again tomorrow.

12th Jan - The ZigZag

A walk across the downs to rhyme time this morning. Georgia didn't fancy the zigzag on the way home, much prefering the slide in the park. 2.61 miles today brings us to 10.9 miles so far. Hoping to get a few more walks in before the cold returns next week!

7th Jan - Waffle goes for a spin

We took Waffle dog 🐶 on our jolly today. He loved his journey until he was launched in the milk aisle, resulting in being relegated to the hood. 2.85 miles today brings us to 8.29 total so far.

6th Jan - Cheeky Hot Chocolate 🤫

A fresher jaunt up to the shop today and a cheeky hot chocolate with my little adventurer. Another 1.85 miles today brings us to 5.44 miles total so far.

Jan 5th - the rains have ceased!!!!

Finally after a week of torrential rain and dreadful winds we got out for a trundle! A promenade along the seafront with a quick picnic, oh....and plenty of puddle splashing of course! Todays 1.86 miles brings us to 3.6 miles total so far. Hopefully the weather will hold over the weekend for us to get some more miles under our belts 🤞

New years day

New years day means the start of JanuRun! Only 1.73 miles today but my little adventurer joined me for a trundle to the shop. May not be the quickest walk with little legs, but it was a lovely way to start the year

I’m running, walking or wheeling 31 miles in January for GOSH Charity!

I’m making a positive start to 2024 by running, walking or wheeling 31 miles in January, all to raise money for Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity (GOSH Charity).

Every day, around 750 children and young people are seen at GOSH from across the UK for life-changing treatment and care. Every day, doctors and nurses battle the most complex illnesses, and the brightest minds come together to achieve pioneering medical breakthroughs. And every day that I run, walk or wheel you'll help GOSH Charity give seriously ill children the chance of a better future.

This extraordinary hospital has always depended on charitable supportso please help me to achieve my goal by giving whatever you can, no amount is too small to make a difference.

My Achievements