Lorraine Hodsdon

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We're taking part in RBC Race for the Kids as a family - please help us raise as much as we can

Lorraine Hodsdon

Astrid Reidy

Game Plan by the Littlest Banshee

1, I’m gonna run on my own as fast as I can 
2, I’m gonna run holding mums hand
3, mums gonna run carrying me when I need a rest 
4, I’ll run on my own again when my legs are rested 
5, I’m gonna do it like this until I’ve finished the run 

Why we are running

So it’s that time of year again when the littlest banshee runs the  race for kids!  
GOSH has a special place in our hearts and without a doubt the littlest banshee would not be here now if it wasn’t for the amazing care she received and we received when she had a stint in intensive care when she was 18 months old.  It’s and extra special year for us this time as she will also be running with several of her class mates, all running the race for kids as they storm the 5k … running for two of their classmates who are also GOSH patients and have received life saving care.  We will also run in memory of a dear friends little girl to raise awareness and support for all families whose children have childhood  cancer 🖤 
Stay tuned to hear how the littlest banshee storms the 5k with her mates 

My Achievements

£100 raised

£200 raised

£500 raised

£1000 raised

50% of fundraising target

100% of fundraising target

Added a profile picture

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Self donation

Received first donation

Created a team

Thank you to my Sponsors


Patrick Reidy

Run Rainy & Astrid, Run!


Alex Chandon

Fly with the wind!


Tooth Fairy

Dear Astrid You have been so kind and thoughtful saving up all your money from the tooth fairy for charity that I thought I'd give you a little bit extra this time( no extra teeth needed though!) Run strong ! XXX


Andrew Reidy

Good luck Lorraine


Mary Reidy

Good luck to both of you Love from Mary and Izzie


Nives Hindley

You are both amazing! Go Little Banshee!


Katherine Wi

Well done Astrid and Lorraine!


Grant Nicholson

You can do it!!!


Tracy Duddridge

Good luck Astrid and Auntie Lorraine, lots of love Alice, Theo , Uncle Bob and Auntie Tracy xxxx


Auntie Jan

Good luck Astrid and Mum you will smash it. Love you very much xxxx 💜


Alex Reidy

Good luck Astrid & Rainy!